Written by Kristin Bernor, Questionmark
The ITCC held its member meeting virtually earlier this month and it was amazing! Over 70 members joined the Zoom meeting on Wednesday, April 1st and had the opportunity to visually see everyone on camera and interact in so many ways. This was much appreciated during a time where most were working from home and ready to interact and not only with family members.
Task force chairs recorded updates to share with the group and these were sent out via email right before the meeting. The meeting launched with a fun video by Kristin Wall, ITCC Chair, where she was held hostage by her son in her office. Something we are all feeling these days. This segued into a formal welcome and introduction of the board.
The group knew the 2020 Innovation Award winner was about to be announced. They were not disappointed when HPE was announced as the first place winner with Lineup as the runner up. Each gave a short overview of their innovation and the group was able to ask questions so they too could incorporate some new ideas into their program.
This group is always very engaged and a virtual meeting did not stop them. Ideas were shared, jokes were told and the value of certifications was discussed at length. Clyde from The Linux Foundation shared a member presentation on his program. After the group had virtual lunch by dividing into breakout rooms. Are you a fan of meat lovers, ham and pineapple, margarita, vegetarian, cheese pizza or a salad? Choose wisely. You can tell a lot about someone based on their choice. Lots of fun discussing preferences.
Throughout the meeting fun member facts with photos were shared and members had to guess which fact went with which member. We have a member who completed the 2020 Korteloppet 29k Nordic Ski Race!
Polling questions were asked like “Who is still in their pjs? And How many cups of coffee have you had today? We could see who was honest with the pjs, not so sure about the coffee. Everyone could relate to further developing the atmosphere of camaraderie.
We closed the meeting discussing a COVID-19 response as it impacts each company, sharing of special project ideas to further increase the value of membership and an open session where members freely asked IT certification related questions.
Thank you, thank you for creating a meeting that will not be soon forgotten. We look forward to more interaction as there is lots planned for our members this year!
Testimonial from an attendee on LinkedIn:

Please know we are here for you and have been discussing things to consider at this time.