By joining the ITCC, you will be part of a community of the most respected companies in the IT certification industry.
As a member, you can:
In an open format with industry leaders to explore new ways of doing business that inspire and support innovation.
In industry efforts to increase education on the value of certifications.
Task forces working on specific initiatives to benefit the certification industry.
Exclusive, members-only white papers, resources, best practices, and council-funded survey results.
In monthly online member meetings and bi-annual in-person networking member events.
Member Benefits

Access to IT certification industry leaders with an all-inclusive, innovative mindset and sharing best practices through:
- Monthly open sessions
- Task force and workgroup involvement
- Bi-annual in-person meetings
- Virtual discussion forums
Meet and connect with an ecosystem of industry leaders from IT organizations and exam suppliers virtually and in-person.

- Monthly education sessions
- Library of recorded educational sessions
- Collection of white papers created by members, for members
- Case studies
- Research projects
- Establish best practices
- Task force projects & research
Industry Influence
- Industry best practices developed and shared
- Promote awareness and value of certification through legislative support
- Participation in leading industry associations:
- Professional Certification Coalition (PCC)
- Association of Test Publishers (ATP)

Industry Recognition
- Company logo on ITCC website
- Recognition in white papers
- Member accomplishments highlighted
- Members highlighted on blog posts
- Annual ITCC Innovation Award
Task Forces and Workgroups
The heart of the organization are the task forces and workgroups that work on specific initiatives to benefit the certification industry:
- Securing Certifications Task Force – Works with members and IT certification organizations to protect their certification programs through the creation of best practices documents, white papers, and sharing case studies on test security practices.
- SPARC Task Force (Speed, Agility, Rapid Change) – Collaborates on best practices to address the issues created by agile development practices of products/solutions and how those impact the exam/certification lifecycle.
- Strategic Plan Workgroups – As part of the ITCC Strategic Plan, several workgroups have been formed to complete the work set out in the strategic plan and to help drive the mission of the organization.

Recently completed projects by our Task Forces include:
- Value of IT Certifications (for Internal Audiences)
- DE&I Workgroup Projects InfoBrief
- Generative AI Impact Considerations
- Best Practices for Working with SMEs
- Remote Proctoring Survey Graphics