Welcome to the first in a series of ITCC member spotlights where member companies respond to a series of IT certification questions. Member companies were asked to respond to the following six questions focusing on their area of expertise: certification issuer or supplier.
National Instruments, a certification issuer, responses were given in combination by Elwood Fischer, Global Customer Education and Certification Engineer, and Nate Letchford, Certification Engineer.
What is the primary objective of your certification program?
Promoting best practices and verifying excellence in the use of our hardware and software products
Who is your target audience?
Immediate target is individuals who work using our HW & SW. At a higher level, companies who use our products and need competent individuals to do the work. All NI customers.
What do you see as the biggest opportunity for the IT Certifications industry?
Elwood: Increasing prominence of search results which link credentials and relevant jobs. For example, searching a credential yields jobs that require that credential, and searching for a job yields information about which credentials are relevant. Also, increased use of PBT (performance-based testing) /PT for candidates to demonstrate their abilities.
What do you see as the biggest challenge facing the IT Certifications industry?
Clear understanding by the consumers of IT credentials, especially potential employers, of which credentials are appropriate for which jobs. Also, bandwidth & latency around remote exams. Exam security with remote delivery.
How does your IT certification program contribute to your company’s overall business?
Helps customers purchase and apply our hardware and software with confidence, and helps maintain the reputation of our HW & SW by reducing the occurrence of poorly implemented applications of our product. Customer advocacy, verification of engaged power users.
What has been the biggest benefit of your ITCC membership?
Networking with colleagues who are knowledgeable about the challenges and best practices of IT Certifications and credentials. Collaboration with other members, validation of strategies we’ve used, exploring potential new technologies/strategies/programs/policies and learning what works from the experience of others.
This will be a monthly blog post so please check back next month to learn more about another member company.
Please visit https://www.itcertcouncil.org/Membership/Join if you are interested in joining the ITCC or email info@itcertcouncil.org for more information.