The Certification Journey

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An IT Certification White Paper

Written by Gerry Mimick

Have you ever found yourself struggling to understand what IT certifications to obtain to best manage your career path? You are not alone! IT is a lucrative career field in our increasingly technology-dependent world. However, with the vast number of certifications and ever-changing job roles, it is quite the challenge to understand the options, tradeoffs and differing benefits that thousands of certifications from hundreds of different providers can offer.

The ITCC has taken a look at this industry problem that every IT professional faces throughout their career and has created a white paper – The Certification Journey.  The paper introduces three different career profiles:

  • The Newbie: a new graduate entering the workforce
  • The Career Changer: an employee moving from one role into a completely new IT career path
  • The Upskiller: an employee moving up in their existing career path

Each profile assesses unique challenges faced when navigating which IT certifications to pursue. It identifies how a certification roadmap could help guide them to better understand career choices that apply specifically to them.  Equipped with this tool, the Newbie, Career Changer and Upskiller can “see” several steps ahead and make better career choices that get them to where they want to go in a more efficient way.

Finally, two well-known industry certification roadmap tools are highlighted: (1) CompTIA’s IT Career Path Tool and (2) The Credential Engine. The white paper explains both what these tools can do to help guide certification decision-making as well as point out what challenges the IT industry still needs to solve for to help today’s IT professional.

You can find this white paper in your member-resources page after you log into the ITCC website:

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There’s something about the word “certified” when it precedes a professional title that conveys the consumers and employers a sense of trust, credibility, knowledge and an official “stamp” of approval. This is not a coincidence. IT certification has long been a proven means of differentiation and qualification among professionals in the industry. Employers often include certification as a prerequisite when seeking qualified candidates to fill positions; consumers often trust only those IT professionals who boast credentials proving they have attained a certain level of knowledge.