Title: Soft Skills – The Other Side of Competence
Abstract: OK! You know they can code, but can they help the team be more innovative and get work done faster? You know they can analyze large data sets, but can they make smart decisions that consider your political realities and practical feasibility? This session is about the challenges of assessing the most sought-after soft skills – collaboration, communication (persuasion), creativity (adaptability), and critical thinking (risk assessment). Judy will share what other organizations are doing to define soft skills in ways that are relevant to their work context. You will get examples of how to operationally define soft skills so they can be assessed. She will share common mistakes and best practices. So, bring your questions and be prepared to share.
Speaker: Judith Hale, CEO at The Center for International Credentials, LLC
Speaker Bio: Judith Hale, PhD., CPT, CACP and ibstpi Fellow has been a consultant to the private and public sectors across all industries for more than 30 years. She is known for her innovative approaches to measuring competence. Her certifications are being used in more than 90 countries. Her award-winning books are used as texts by major universities. She was awarded her PhD by Purdue University and her research was on how to reduce bias in job studies. To learn more about her and her work visit www.HaleCenter.org.
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