Closing the Skills Gap to Increase Profitability

In today’s fast-evolving landscape, the right talent can significantly differeniate your company as IT certifications not only sharpen your team’s skills, but also align their capabilities with your business goals. 

A skilled workforce is vital for business success, transformation, and profitability. Organizations need to understand the importance and use of reliable, valid, and relevant credentials and certifications to close the skills gap. Dive into our findings to understand why leading executives at large coporations are prioritizing certified professionals in their hiring strategies. Elevate your tech talent with certifications that matter. 

About ITCC

ITCC’s mission is to educate the IT certification industry about growing trends.

The IT Certification Council (ITCC) is a nonprofit organization committed to growing and promoting professional IT certifications. 

Our core purpose is to support the industry and our member companies by marketing the value of certification, promoting exam security, furthering innovation, and establishing and sharing industry best practices.   


Founded in 2007, ITCC is a community of 50+ of the most respected companies in the IT certification industry.

Interested in joining ITCC? Connect with us here. 

IT Certification Council:
Developing Industry Best Practices

IDC Industry Research

Unlock the power of progress: Dive into the latest IDC Research Project “IT Certifications Improve Results for Organizations and Employees” and elevate your organization’s potential today!

Certifications and Learning Assessments: What are the Differences?

Why Get IT Certified? The Value of IT Certification

Exams Delivered By Our Trusted Partners

Industry Affiliations & Trusted Partner Research

 ITCC is proud to be affiliated with other industry associations and trusted partners supporting the certification ecosystem.

Unlock Your Potential with IT Certification

 Investing in certified IT professionals is not merely an operational expense; it’s a strategic investment in your company’s future. We invite you to seize this opportunity to distinguish your business in your competetive market. 

Share Your Sucess Story

Has hiring certified IT professionals impacted your business?